207-871-7771 877-682-9433

Contact Us

MTA Administration &
E-ZPass Customer Service Center
2360 Congress Street
Portland, ME 04102

(877) 682-9433 (toll free)
(207) 871-7771

(888) MTA-PASS or (888) 682-7277
8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday - Friday

* For inquiries regarding your Maine E-ZPass account (updating a credit card, paying a missed toll, questions about violations, etc) please click here  to send an email to our E-ZPass Customer Service Center

Gorham Connector:
Questions or Comments click here
Outside United States:
(207) 871-7771 then press 2

Road Conditions:
(800) 675-7453

Turnpike Info:
(877) 682-9433
1610 AM 

In case of an emergency call: 911