207-871-7771 877-682-9433

Traveler Services

Turnpike Map
(click on map to enlarge)
The Maine Turnpike Authority operates the 109-mile toll highway (I-95) through four of Maine’s 16 counties:  York, Cumberland, Androscoggin and Kennebec.  The Turnpike begins in town of Kittery, extends through Greater Portland and the Lewiston-Auburn area, and ends at the State Capital of Augusta. View our interactive map for details about exit numbers and connector roads to your ultimate destination.

Visit one of our five Turnpike Service Plazas to rest, refresh and refuel. Most services are available 24 hours a day to provide a safe and comfortable rest stop for motorists and spaces for long-haul operators to park. The Turnpike Authority manages 15 Park and Ride lots  for commuters and carpoolers. All Park and Ride lots are located adjacent to Turnpike interchanges between York and Augusta.

The Maine Turnpike Authority helps to fund important transportation alternatives like the ZOOM Express bus service, which runs from Saco to convenient Metro connection services throughout Portland, Maine. Day trip fares and monthly commuter rates are available. The GO Maine program is a statewide carpooling service. Individuals can find riders with similar work schedules and locations through a web driven data base of commuters interested in sharing the ride and expenses. 

Plan your trip by checking out the mileage-based exit numbers, view highway conditions on our Traffic Cameras on key sections of the Turnpike and enjoy discovery of the Maine Turnpike with Discovery Map International