Additional Information
November 8, 2013
The Maine Turnpike Authority will be undergoing a process to competitively select consulting firms to serve as the Authority's General Engineering Consultant (GEC):
The Authority plans to solicit qualification statements in mid-2014 to competitively select a consultant to serve as the Authority’s GEC. The Authority intends to complete the process and select a consultant for the 5-year GEC contract before December 2014. Consultants who want to be considered for the GEC contract must:
- Meet the requirements of the Authority’s Bond Resolution;
- Meet the other requirements as outlined in the Scope of Work that the Authority will provide at the time of the RFQ;
- Submit a Letter of Interest for the Authority’s Toll Services Consultant role as outlined above. The consultant must be determined qualified for toll services by the Authority though does not need to be issued a contract to perform tolls services work;
- Be prequalified by the Maine Department of Transportation at the time of the GEC RFQ in the following disciplines:
- Bridge Inspection, non-construction (MaineDOT discipline 602.30)
- Construction Inspection, Highway & Bridge (601.00 & 602.10)
- Traffic Data Analysis (210.20)
September 8, 2014
The Maine Turnpike Authority is soliciting
Requests for Qualifications from 7 firms the Authority has determined are most likely to meet the requirements to perform General Engineering Consultant services.
See information listed under "Bid Package" for specific requirments.
Qualification statements are due by October 7, 2014 at 4:00 PM.
July 3, 2014
NOTICE FOR CONTRACT 2014.103: The open prequalification process for MaineDOT will close August 1, 2014 –February 2015. Consultants interested in submitting a proposal for the General Engineering Consultant that are not currently prequalified in areas 210.20, 601.00, 602.10 and 602.30 will need to submit an application to MaineDOT prior to July 31, 2014. The Authority plans to solicit qualification statements in September 2014 to competitively select a consultant to serve as the Authority’s