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Maine Turnpike Authority Engages Maine Department of Transportation to Take the Lead on Study of Transportation Solutions West of Portland

Maine Turnpike: Thinking Ahead FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
March 06, 2025
Erin Courtney

Maine Turnpike Authority Engages Maine Department of Transportation to Take the Lead on Study of Transportation Solutions West of Portland

PORTLAND, Maine – Maine Turnpike Authority (MTA) has engaged the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) to take the lead in a comprehensive effort to identify transportation solutions for persistent traffic congestion west of Portland. This decision follows feedback from the public and civic leaders who have called for a broader, more holistic, and multimodal approach to addressing the region’s mobility challenges.

Multiple requests for congestion mitigation initiated by the municipalities of Gorham, Scarborough, South Portland and Westbrook, produced exhaustive studies and legislative actions in an effort to evaluate the current traffic conditions and establish a solution. Building off previous actions, in 2017, the Maine Legislature directed MTA, in coordination with MaineDOT, to review current traffic conditions west of Portland, and if warranted, permit and construct a solution. Since that time, concerns related to commuting conditions post-pandemic, effects of climate change, a housing crisis and Maine’s workforce shortage have evolved. Each of these factors affect, and may strength the need for an innovative transportation solution for the region.

"There have been some questions raised about a prospective new road connection to Gorham and how it fits into the larger Southern Maine transportation system, including transit and trails,” said MTA Board of Directors Chairman Michael Cianchette. “Good questions deserve answers, so the Turnpike has asked MaineDOT to take the lead and use their expertise to examine it holistically. They have graciously agreed to step in and we will standby to help however we are able."

Both MTA and MaineDOT recognize that congestion between west of Portland extends beyond a single corridor and has far-reaching implications for Maine’s transportation network. MaineDOT has committed to exploring innovative solutions that not only improve mobility but also support affordable housing, workforce development, sustainability, and efficient transit options.

“In the last two decades, many things have changed in the area between Portland and Gorham, but mobility and congestion issues remain,” said MaineDOT Commissioner (and MTA Board of Directors ex-officio member), Bruce Van Note. “Undertaking a regional, holistic, and modally balanced planning effort best fits into MaineDOT’s mission. We look forward to working with our partners to analyze these challenges and identify solutions that will improve more than just our transportation system.” 

As part of this effort, MaineDOT will review past mobility studies – including recent efforts involving a proposed Gorham Connector – and update them to reflect current commuting patterns, community growth trends, and land use developments. The agency will actively engage stakeholders, including those impacted by regional congestion as well as those affected by diverted traffic on local roads. The planning process will emphasize transparent communication and meaningful public engagement. MaineDOT will establish stakeholder groups focusing on key contemporary issues such as active transportation, housing, land use, and transit.

Additionally, MaineDOT will assess the benefits and limitations of modifying existing transportation infrastructure.  Based on MaineDOT’s assessment, if needed and requested by MaineDOT, MTA would evaluate any proposed new road options to determine their financial viability.

MaineDOT will continue to work closely with municipalities, regional planning organizations, transit agencies, active transportation advocates and MTA, to develop a comprehensive and effective solution. The study is anticipated to conclude in 2026.

For more information, please contact:
Maine Turnpike Authority:
Erin Courtney, Public Relations
(207) 513-2982

Dale Doughty, Deputy Commissioner
(207) 624-3003
