207-871-7771 877-682-9433

2020.07 Bridge Repairs

Construction Contract Info
Contractor: CPM Constructors, Inc
Bid Amount:  $968,567.84
Projected Completion Date:  November 1, 202
Boom Road Underpass Bridge

Project Scope:  This project includes repairs to various bridges of the Maine Turnpike in the municipalities of Saco, Scarborough and Sabattus. Below is a description of the work at each location.

Boom Road Underpass Bridge-The work consists of general repairs and modifications to Boom Road Underpass Bridge at Mile 33.4 in Saco. This includes milling and replacing the wearing surface on the bridge deck, bridge joint repairs, concrete repairs, pavement grinding and overlay on approaches, and the maintenance of traffic.

Beech Ridge Road Underpass Bridge-The work consists of general repairs and modifications to Beech Ridge Road Underpass Bridge at Mile 41.4 in Scarborough. This includes replacement of the wearing surface on the bridge deck, pavement and membrane replacement, bridge joint repairs, concrete repairs, pavement grinding and overlay on approaches, and the maintenance of traffic.

Grove Street Underpass Bridge-The work consists of general repairs and modifications to Grove Street Underpass Bridge at Mile 83.7 in Sabattus. This includes replacement of the wearing surface on the bridge deck, pavement and membrane replacement, bridge joint repairs, concrete repairs, pavement grinding and overlay on approaches, and the maintenance of traffic.

Kittyhawk Avenue Underpass Bridge- The work consists of emergency joint repair including, replacing the elastometric concrete headers and the adjacent paving leading up to the joints. 

Saco River Bridge- This work consists of emergency bridge rail and concrete repair.

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